
Instant Mandarin is a private professional online Mandarin Chinese learning platform providing practical online Chinese courses across the world. 1-1 learning and small group classes, 24/7, anywhere, anytime. They exist with the aim of being accessible and inclusive for all because they want to give everyone the chance to learn one of the most fascinating languages. They work with a strong commitment to providing the best way of learning for you.

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📚About the Program

Non-degree in Easy HSK Online Program at Instant Mandarin

I. Overview:

HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) is a Chinese Proficiency Test, the only standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. The HSK certificate has gained increasing importance for foreigners to study and work in China, enhancing their career prospects, it is the official indicator of your Chinese level. That is why we have created our ‘Easy HSK’ program, an online Mandarin Chinese course for those interested in the HSK exam, designed to maximize your chances of success.
Our curriculum is academic and will focus on the core aspects of HSK - Chinese listening, reading, writing, speaking, and the official examination. It will feature meticulous explanations and answers with a test library of simulated and real test papers for you to practice. We want to improve your ability to use Mandarin Chinese in your daily, academic and professional life. Easy HSK is an easy way to study Mandarin. You will be assessed according to HSK’s 6 levels, which you can see below.

II. How It Works:

  1. Free Trial Session: Sign up! Apply for a free trial Chinese lesson. Their teachers will assess your Chinese level to give you the best way to learn Chinese possible.
  2. Professional Chinese Tutors: Match your timetable to their online Chinese tutors. See them in action.
  3. Book Online: Book with just a click of a button. Our user interface is convenient and simple to use. This is online Chinese learning made easy.
  4. 1-to-1 Live Online Chinese Lessons, 24/7: Learn Chinese fast! We believe the 1-to-1 teaching method will get the best out of you. Our Chinese tutors will be there round the clock. Once booked, just log in to your account, enter the online classroom and hey presto. Sit back, learn and enjoy! 
  5. Tailor-Made Chinese Courses: We deliver Chinese lessons according to your schedule and learning requirements. We provide a bespoke way of learning that enhances your chances of improving your Mandarin Chinese quickly. Get a study plan! 
  6. Join the Instant Mandarin Family: We welcome all. Let’s reach high standards together.

III. Levels

  • Level 1

    You will be able to use up to 150 Chinese words, understanding very simple Chinese phrases. You can participate in basic Chinese communication exchanges and possess the ability to further your Mandarin Chinese studies. All Chinese characters are provided with Chinese pinyin (standard romanization of Chinese language).

  • Level 2

    Your Chinese vocabulary consists of up to 300 Chinese words. You will have developed an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks. All Chinese characters are provided with Chinese pinyin (standard romanization of Chinese language).

  • Level 3

    You will know how to use up to 600 Chinese words and communicate in Chinese at a basic level in your daily, academic and professional life. You can handle most communication exchanges when travelling to China. From here onwards Chinese characters will have no Chinese pinyin.

  • Level 4

    Your Chinese vocabulary will feature up to 1200 Chinese words. You can use these to converse fluently in Chinese with native Chinese speakers on a wide range of topics.

  • Level 5

    You can effectively use up to 2500 Chinese words in your Chinese vocabulary. You will be able to read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give full-length speeches in Chinese.

  • Level 6

    Your Chinese vocabulary will consist of up to 5000 Chinese words, you will have developed an excellent command of Mandarin Chinese. You can comprehend complex Chinese written and spoken information, and express yourself smoothly orally and on paper.

IV. Pricing

1) Taster

  • Price: $120 (USD)
  • 12 Lessons
  • 2 Months
  • Works out as $10 per lesson

2) Appetizer

  • Price: $570 (USD)
  • 60 Lessons
  • 6 Months
  • 5% off, Save $30
  • Works out as $9.50 per lesson

3) Main Course

  • Price: $810 (USD)
  • 90 Lessons
  • 9 Months
  • 10% off, Save $90
  • Works out as $9 per lesson

4) Full Course

  • Price: $1530 (USD)
  • 180 Lessons
  • 18 Months
  • 15% Off, Save $270
  • Works out as $8.50 per lesson

V. Start Dates, Schedules, and Durations

  • Students can enroll anytime throughout the year.
  • We prioritize our students and they can, therefore, choose the best schedule or time that suits them.
  • Each lesson lasts for about 25 minutes each.
  • Duration starts at 2 months for the Taster, 6 months for the Appetizer, 9 months for the Main Course, and 18 months for the Full Course. Kindly message us for the price package and duration that you will choose.
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📖Program Curriculum

Core Aspects:
Chinese listening
Chinese reading
Chinese writing
Chinese speaking
The official examination

🏫About Instant Mandarin


Instant Mandarin is a professional 1-to-1 online Mandarin Chinese learning platform developed by esteemed education practitioners with resources from the Sichuan Education Association for International Exchange (SEAIE), including a talented pool of Professional Chinese tutors from universities across Sichuan and other provinces. All our teachers are highly trained, spending 4 years and more majoring in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL). They are more than just native Chinese speakers, they are certified teachers with valuable teaching experience in Chinese Language Schools, offering the most authentic Mandarin Chinese lessons. Together, our band of innovative educators and creators provide professional online Chinese teaching services across the world.

Our mission is to lead the evolution and digitization of education into a brighter future. That is why we work with a strong commitment and drive to delivering the most practical and best Mandarin Chinese learning experience for our customers.

Teaching Methodology

Our primary focus is on 1-to-1 online Chinese learning as we fully believe this is the most practical and best way to learn Mandarin Chinese in modern society. Our online classes are brought to life by our wonderful Chinese tutors. Our teaching methodology is very much student-centered, we prioritize you and cater to your learning requirements. Our expertise enables a bespoke solution for every learner. At the end of each Chinese lesson, we want you to take something away. We want you to be able to put into practice what you have learned. To meet our goals we have adopted a friendly, constructive and encouraging approach to teaching that will enable you to learn Mandarin Chinese efficiently at your own speed, instantly, anywhere, anytime. Not only will you find our teachers your language partner, but more importantly, your friend. Let us share Chinese culture together with the rest of the world. It’s time to say goodbye to the traditional classroom and start your online Chinese learning journey with Instant Mandarin.


Are you looking for a professional teacher in Chinese? You’ve come to the right place. All our Chinese tutors come from educational institutions and academic research backgrounds in China. They are highly trained in teaching Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language, each having taught in Chinese Language schools before. With solid academic knowledge and professional teaching skills, our passionate teaching teamwork round the clock to deliver the best way of learning Chinese for you. You will find learning Mandarin Chinese more engaging, more structured, and more instant.

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💰 Fees

Application Fee:

$0 USD

Tuition fee:

120 USD in total

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