
Fuzhou University is a university located in Fuzhou, Fujian, China. Split into two campuses by the Min River, Fuzhou University's Old Campus is located on the north bank of the river in the western part of Fuzhou City, while the New Campus is located on the edge of the city on the south bank, at the base of Qi Mountain.

The university is in the fields of science and engineering nationally. It also has similar programs such as economics, management, arts, and law. The university is part of the PRC national policy called Project 211 to enhance the development of the tertiary education system in mainland China. It is a Chinese Ministry of Education Double First-Class Discipline University, with Double First-Class status in certain disciplines.

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🏫About Fuzhou University (FZU)

Fuzhou University is a national "Double First-Class" construction university, a national "211 Project" key construction university, and a university jointly established by the People's Government of Fujian Province and the Ministry of Education. Founded in 1958, the school has now developed into a key university with a focus on work, a combination of science and engineering, and a coordinated development of science, engineering, economics, management, literature, law, and art.

Since the establishment of the school, generations of Fu adults have been adhering to the school motto of "Ming Morality and Sincerity, Knowledgeable and Far-sighted", practicing the entrepreneurial spirit of hard work represented by Comrade Zhang Gumei, the rigorous and realistic academic spirit represented by Mr. Lu Jiaxi, and the academician Wei Kemei The "three spirits" represented by the spirit of dedication and courage to work hard have accumulated rich experience in running a school and formed a distinctive school-running feature. It has trained more than 260,000 full-time graduates for the country.

The school has 23 colleges (including 1 independent college and 1 Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school); currently there are 24,421 general undergraduate students and 11,279 postgraduates of various types of doctoral and master students. The school currently has 89 undergraduate majors; 38 first-level discipline master's programs, 21 master's professional degree authorization points; 11 first-level discipline doctoral programs, 2 second-level discipline doctoral programs (excluding first-level discipline coverage); 11 Post-doctoral research mobile station. The school has 1 national key discipline and 1 national key (cultivation) discipline. The "Chemical Science and Engineering Discipline Group" was selected into the list of world-class disciplines announced by the country. The chemistry discipline entered the top 1‰ of the international ESI discipline rankings, and 4 disciplines entered Top 1% of international ESI subject rankings. The comprehensive strength of the school ranks among the world's top 500 for the first time in the "2019 Academic Ranking of World University Rankings", ranking 455 in the world and 51 in mainland universities; ranking 698 in the world in the USNews2020 World University Rankings, and mainland universities The 50th place.

The school has 3,209 faculty members, including 2,102 full-time teachers. There are 372 high-level talents above the provincial level (264), including 98 national-level talents (62) and 274 provincial-level talents (202). Among the high-level talents (teams), there are 17 academicians (including 16 distinguished chair professors), 8 "Changjiang Scholars", 8 winners of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Youth, and 9 winners of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Program" , 1 national-level teaching teacher, 12 national-level candidates for the "Hundred, Thousand, Thousand Talents Project", 10 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding national contributions, 2 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, young and middle-aged science and technology innovation leaders from the Ministry of Science and Technology and 5 heads of innovation teams in key areas, 3 heads of innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, 2 cultural masters and "four batches" of talents; 1 team was selected as "National Advanced Group of Professional and Technical Talents", and 1 team was selected as "National University Huang Danian Teacher Team", 2 teams were selected as the "Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Team Development Program" of the Ministry of Education, 2 teams were selected as the key field innovation team of the "Innovative Talent Promotion Program" of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and 1 college was selected as the national "University Internationalization Demonstration" "College Promotion Plan", two colleges were selected into the national "Higher Education Institution Innovation and Intelligence Introducing Plan" ("111 Plan").

The school has 2 national talent training bases, 7 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 1 national virtual simulation experiment teaching center, 1 national talent training model innovation experimental zone, 6 school-enterprise cooperation national engineering practice education centers, 1 National Engineering Degree Postgraduate Joint Training Demonstration Base, 1 Ministry of Education's first batch of "Three All-round Education" comprehensive reform pilot institutes (departments), 1 national teaching team, 7 national characteristic majors, 15 national first-class undergraduate majors Construction site, 14 majors have passed the engineering education certification of the Ministry of Education, 2 majors have passed the industry evaluation of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, 15 national quality online open courses, 3 national quality courses, 1 national bilingual teaching demonstration course, and 3 national Class-level quality resource sharing courses, 2 national-level quality video public courses, 2 national virtual simulation experiment teaching projects, 4 Ministry of Education "new engineering" research and practice projects. The school is a national comprehensive reform pilot unit for professional degree postgraduate education, a national engineering master graduate education innovation university, a reform pilot university of the Ministry of Education "Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program" and a university implementing the "National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program" of the Ministry of Education. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the school has won 4 national teaching achievement awards and 16 provincial teaching achievement awards; students have won 170 international awards and 1,507 national awards for participating in various discipline competitions. The school was selected as "the first batch of national demonstration colleges for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform", "national crowd-creation space" and "national university student entrepreneurship demonstration park". Won 7 golds, 11 silvers, and 5 bronzes in the first five China "Internet +" college students' innovation and entrepreneurship national finals, ranking eighth in the country. The employment rate of school graduates has remained above 95% for many consecutive years, and has been awarded the "Top 50 National College Graduate Employment Jobs".

The school has 1 national university science and technology park, 12 national, 136 provincial and ministerial science and technology innovation platforms, including 1 national key laboratory, 8 national engineering research centers, 3 national international science and technology cooperation bases, 3 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 1 engineering research center of the Ministry of Education, 1 collaborative innovation center jointly established by the Ministry of Education, 1 innovation service platform of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and 2 provincial innovation laboratories. The school is the only university in Fujian Province that has the "National University Science Park", "National Technology Transfer Demonstration Organization", and "High School Technology Achievement Transformation and Technology Transfer Base". Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the school has received 5176 scientific and technological projects of various types, with scientific research funding exceeding 2 billion yuan, of which 2085 horizontal cooperation contracts have been signed with foreign parties, and the total horizontal social service revenue has exceeded 950 million yuan. Won 143 provincial and ministerial awards, including 3 National Science and Technology Progress Awards. 3297 national patents were authorized, and 7147 scientific papers were included in the three major searches. 6 scholars (7 person-times) were selected for the 2019 "Global Highly Cited Scientists" list, and 12 scholars were selected for the 2019 "China Highly Cited Scholars" list.

The school has carried out in-depth foreign cooperation and exchanges and has established cooperative relationships with Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Tianjin University, Haixi Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and more than 140 universities, scientific research institutions, and well-known enterprises in 50 countries and regions overseas. The school actively connects with the national “One Belt One Road” initiative, establishes an international science and education cooperation and exchange platform, and becomes a Chinese government scholarship institution for international students. It recruits international students from more than 30 countries; student overseas visit programs cover more than 95% of colleges; hire 50 More than overseas experts and scholars have long been teaching in the school. The school currently has 1 Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution - Maynooth International Engineering College, and 3 Chinese-foreign cooperative education projects, covering undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The school is now a key project unit of the national reform pilot project for cooperation in running schools between Fujian and Taiwan to develop in-depth exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan, and the establishment of a two-way joint training model has become a new bright spot in education exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan.

The school has a beautiful campus environment, advanced teaching and research equipment, and a completely public service system. The main body of the school is located in the Qishan campus, with Fuzhou Qishan, Yishan, Tongpan, Xiamen Jimei, Gulangyu, Quanzhou Quangang, Jinjiang, and other campuses, covering a total area of ​​more than 7,000 acres, and the school building area is 1.68 million square meters. The total value of fixed assets of the school is 4.1 billion yuan, of which the value of teaching and research equipment is 1.6 billion yuan; the total area of ​​sports venues is 160,000 square meters; the library has 3.6 million books and 12.3 million e-books. The school continues to promote the construction of a cultural campus, smart campus, and ecological campus.

The school has established the philosophy of running an entrepreneurial and strong school, and is striding forward towards the grand goal of "creating an entrepreneurial internationally renowned high-level university with a number of world-class disciplines and accelerating the establishment of a world-class Southeastern strong university". Make new and greater contributions to national and regional economic and social development

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🏠 Accommodation

Fuzhou University provides International Students with accommodations during their stay at their university.

  • You will need to book the accommodation after you have been accepted.
  • You can choose to live on campus or off campus in private accommodation.
  • We have an article about how to find accommodation off campus here.
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💰 Fees

Application Fee:

$0 USD

Tuition fee:

16,000 RMB per year

64,000 RMB in total

Insurance is 800 RMB.

Entry Requirements

You are not eligible to apply to this program because:

The minimum age is 18 and the maximum age is 30.

English fluency is required.
You need to be either:
- A native English speaker
- Studied a degree in English before
- Can demonstrate a high level of English
- Having an English certificate such as IELTS level 6 or TOEFL 95 and above is an advantage.

Minimum education level: High School.

All student except from Nigeria are eligible to apply to this program

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Or see the list of programs you are eligible for here .
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📬 Admissions Process

3 Steps to Apply to a Chinese University

Application step 1

Application step 2

Application step 3

Please choose the programs here , "You are advised to select 2-3 programs to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Required Documents:

  • English Language Certificate
  • Your Graduation Certificate (in English)
  • Your Highest Academic Transcript (In English)
  • Your Photograph
  • Your Passport Copy

Preparing documents:

You can start your application now and send the application documents during your application. Some documents you can send later if you don’t have them right away. Some more info about preparing application documents is here

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Application process:

Applying Online is simple in just a few steps. More information is available here.

The first steps are to choose the programs, pay the application fee and upload the application documents.

Once submitted to China Admissions, we will review your application within 2-3 days and proceed to the university or ask you for further clarification

After it has been processed to the university you will receive your unique application ID from each university.

The university may contact you directly for further questions.

We will then follow up each week with the university for updates. As soon as there is any update we will let you know. If you have made other plans, decide to withdraw / change address at any time please let us know.

After you have been accepted you will receive your admissions letter electronically and asked to pay the non-refundable deposit to the university.

Once you have paid the deposit the university will issue you the admissions letter and visa form to your home country.

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Here is some more information about the enrollment process after you have been accepted.

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